

This is blooming in the garden right now. I can’t wait to see my garden design. I don’t know whether cosmos will be in the mix but something tells me there will be no way to get rid of them. Excellent.

2 thoughts on “Cosmos

  1. Hi

    Note that the focus has shifted from house to garden?!

    I enjoy reading your blog so much that I have decided to nominate you for a “Liebster Award”
    If you have a minute, drop by my latest blog for full details
    Just a bit of fun, from one blogger to another and maybe you will enjoy taking a look at some of the ones I like to follow


    1. Thank you, that’s so nice! Actually I have checked the blogs you follow and have added a few to my own list. Good choices!

      I should write more about the garden. I have long been interested in garden design. I think one of the great events of my education was having the Jellicoes speak to us in a landscape design class I was taking. One reason I got into this project was that I couldn’t have a garden in Paris. Over time, as the house wraps up and as my designer sends plans, I’ll shift my focus.


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