

Okay, here are the lampshades. I bought them at Barbotine,  in St. Martin on the Ile de Re. It’s a charming shop; I should be showing you a photo of that. It is packed full, as in don’t even think about bringing in kids or dogs, of things that either are old or, as with these babies, go with things that are old.

I love the Middle East, at least the dwindling number of safe places there. I’m afraid these shades out
me as being firmly in the romantic Orientalist tradition of David Roberts, Gustave Flaubert and Pierre Loti, among others. Not bad company: I think I’ll stick around for a while.

4 thoughts on “Lampshades

    1. Bonnie! Hello! I have been thinking a lot about Point Reyes and Inverness. I must have vibed you into checking the blog. How great to hear from you. To answer your question, no, the shop has no web site that I know of. Here is a page with a photo of the shop and some information: You can see that it is quite a mish-mash of things, most of them quite wonderful. Those shades are brand new and not one of a kind. They had these and others stacked all over. You might try a search for Orientalist lampshades, David Roberts lampshades, something like that. Or you could come on over and do a little shopping.


    1. These rounded shades will go on wall sconces, either in my bedroom or one of the guest rooms. I am leaning toward putting them in a guest room but I’m not entirely sure yet. The one rectangle will go on a lamp that I bought in an antiques store back when I lived in Los Angeles. When I unpack the lamp and unite it with its new shade, I’ll post another photo.


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