Spring in January

It’s late January. We have pleasant-enough weather and everything is growing. It looks and feels like March or April. Let’s hope there is no cold snap.

In other news, Jacques is convinced that Something Lives under a ramp that the contractor should have, but didn’t, remove. I have jostled it around, with no result. Either we are dealing with one ballsy mouse or Something Lives but is not at home right now or there’s nothing. We shall see.

10 thoughts on “Spring in January

    1. No, it’s more of an ex-ramp, really, used and then tossed aside. He has never paid attention to it before and it has been there for months. I think there is an outside chance that a feral kitten might be hiding here. Just this evening I heard a meow. Of course Jacques heard it, too, and when I opened the door, whatever had been there was gone. I should put some food out for the poor thing. Worst case, Jacques will eat it.

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    1. Yeah, but what? This rain is turning up all kinds of things.

      Today I found a significant hole in the ground. After a bit of « nudge it with the rain boots » exploration, I realized a plastic container of some kind had collapsed. Was it some kind of jerry-rigged septic tank? Who knows? I’m just glad Jacques didn’t show any interest in that.

      Of course there are mushrooms everywhere. Jacques likes to pee on them — so, you know, in my garden they are all kind of toxic. Maybe there is rotting mushrooms or other debris under there. It weighs a ton. No way can I move it without help. So, who knows?

      I put out some food in the garage for the possible feral kitty, and bunched up an old woven paper — like Handi- wipes only huge — thing that the little guy, if he is still around, can sleep on. He won’t be warm, but unless Jacques chased him off, he’ll at least be fed and dry.


  1. The warmth is worrisome. Last year we had a night of frost in April that killed so many vines. And our fruit trees bore nothing. Hoping for a bit of cold but not too much.


    1. Well. I just read that Paris was 2.6 degrees fahrenheit warmer than usual. I don’t know how they figured that but I did notice that there were no « I’m wearing my mink, Stella McCartney, don’t look! » days. There was rain and some freezing, but nothing I couldn’t deal with. This same article said those warmer temperatures are becoming the new normal.

      My cherry trees did fine last year, fortunately. For the most part, I’m figuring out what to plant. When they look like a little more than sticks in the ground, I’ll post a complete tour. I’m looking for what may be an odd combination, trees that will tolerate to minus 5 degrees centigrade, but don’t have a significant chilling requirement. It takes a few years for new trees to bear fruit, so I won’t know how I did until the next decade rolls in. What a thought.

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